Rick of English conversation class said that he stepped on the snake on last Sunday.
He was very surprised, because he hates the snake.
We were very surprised, too.
Probably, he said that he thought that the snake was a pit viper.
We were relieved that he wasn’t injured.
Every year I see a snake at once or twice.
But I didn’t see a snake this year.
I don’t know whether it is lucky and bad!?
イラストお借りしていますm(__ __)m |
聞かされた私たちもビックリです!おそらくマムシだったのではと言っていましたが、怪我しなくてよかったです。私も、毎年蛇を見かけるのですが、今年はまだ一度も見ていません。運がいいのか悪いのか!?Please click on two icons, thank you!
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