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I have planted two seedlings of sweet potatoes beside the kitchen door in this May. When I was staring there, I found a small part of sweet potatoes. I harvested them with my mother. They were small sweet potatoes. We washed them and steamed and ate. We were surprised that it was delicious.
私は、娘の振袖の小物を引取に呉服店へ行きました。そこでは、秋の大呉服市をしていてくじ引きをすることができました。私は、魚沼産のコシヒカリが当たりました^^v 魚沼産のお米は美味しいと有名ですが、買ってまで食べた事はありませんでした。その日の夜、そのお米を炊いて食べました。とても美味しかったです。食べ物の恵みに感謝・感謝です!
I went to a shop dealing in fabrics for kimono for getting my daughter’s sundries for kimonos. A bargain sale of autumn was opening, I could draw lots. I won rice made in Uonuma in a lottery. Everyone say it is delicious, I have never been bought it and I have never been eaten it. At night, I cooked the rice, and ate it. It was delicious. Many thanks for the blessings of foods.
I planted Dahlia imperial first time in this year. The stems grew about two times as tall as my height. But I was worried that flowers don’t bloom. Recently I found buds. This morning, when I went out door, Dahlias bloomed. The flowers bloomed downward and I could look at them. It was very beautiful.
今日は、立冬。暦通り寒くなりました。私は、ヨガのレッスンに行きました。ヨガが始まってから、一匹のカメムシを発見しました。私はカメムシが苦手でしたが、ヨガに集中していました。しばらくすると、カメムシの匂いがしました。私のヨガマットの横に一匹のカメムシがいる事に気づきました。おそらく、私が刺激したのでしょう。ヨガのレッスンの皆さん、本当にご迷惑をかけてしまってゴメンナサイm(__ )m
Today was the beginning of winter. It was cold as the calendar. I went yoga lesson. After the lesson of yoga started, I found a stinkbug. I hate it, but I concentrated on yoga. After a while, I felt the smell of a stinkbug. And I found a stinkbug beside my mat of yoga. Maybe I stimulated. I’m sorry to have made trouble to this to everyone of yoga lesson.
After a long time, I made Hatsuga genmai. Soak genmai for an hour in water. Then put into the Hatsuga genmai maker. After twenty hours, genmai change Hatsuga genmai. Then mix Hatsuga genmai and rice, cook them. It was hard-boiling. My husband like it. He felt glad at rice. I was satisfied that eating Hatsuga genmai is a good thing.
Today, I knew that I can make yogurt by Hatsuga genmai maker. I made yogurt first time. It was very easy, because yogurt was made by milk and two spoons of yogurt which put on the market. I thought that I should have made yogurt early at home.
I went to driving with my husband and his parents. When I was looking at the scenery from the car window, I found a lot of dahlias. I had a good time, because I could look at them during a drive.
Today, I went to the dentist. The dentist’s background music always is jazz music. When I was treated, I felt good and slept for a moment. I was surprised at me who slept!
Today was very cold. I went to yoga lesson. The yoga room was well heated first time. When I was doing yoga, I grew warmer. If I keep on growing warm and wake up in the morning, I will be very happy!
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