
I'm going to record country life in the slow flow of time. So I want to write daily events that I feel myself



We did the custom of cutting and eating a large, round rice cake, which had been offered to the Got at New Year’s, on January 11. I cooked sweet adzuki soup with pieces of rice cake.

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ



After the English conversation lesson, I got a lot of oranges from a woman who studies with us. I often get oranges like this, because I live in Ehime. Many thanks!


My husband could know for the first time that the dog always gestures to us that the dog loves us by licking. Until now he didn’t know, because he has never been lived with the dog. He dislike licking from the dog. But he was licked by our dog and he was very happy. We love Maru. (Our dog’s name is Maru.)

 During the day, it rained and it was cold. I don’t want to do anything on such day. I was idling away my time. Well, that’s about it!

 My daughter called me up. She will reach a coming-of-age celebration next year. Her nails have never been grown, because she has played the piano since she was 4 years old. So when it’s a coming-of-age celebration, she wants to be done nail art. I am interest in nail art too. I want to go to a nail art shop with her, if she came home.


Today was very fine. I took a walk with my husband. On the way to walk, it became at noon. So we ate a curried food in Indian restaurant. It was delicious. Then we went to the library and I borrowed a book and came home. Today was very good holiday.


I cooked a hamburger with sauce which I watched on TV recently. I could cook well until on the way. When I strained the stock, I thought that it was wasteful. I mashed them and mixed them again. Though it looked bad, it was a good taste.


As I had something to do, I crossed Misaka toge and went to Kumakougen town. I thought that yellow leaves have finished. But there were yellow leaves on the mountain. I could look at yellow leaves. I was happy.

今日は、勤労感謝の日。私にも当てはまるかな? とても寒くて一日、ごろごろしていました。
 Today was Labor Thanksgiving Day. Is it applied to me? It was very cold. I lied around at home doing nothing during the day.


First snow of the season was piled up on Mt. Ishizutisan. It was very cold and there was a cold wind. I bought sakekasu and a ginger. I came home and I cooked kasuzake. We brought kasuzake to my husband’s parents-in-law and my parents. There was only kasuzake for one in a pot, because I sampled kasuzake many times. So I grew warm. I gave all of kasuzake to him.

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