
I'm going to record country life in the slow flow of time. So I want to write daily events that I feel myself


My husband left to Oita prefecture with coworkers.
This night, I was alone.
I thought that I could take it easy.
However I felt lonely, after night came.
At such time, I got a telephone call from my son.
He grumbled about meeting the men with bad traffic manners twice at daytime, and he was offended with them.
After talking, he seemed to feel fine, and he ringed off.
When we are living alone, we often want to talk to someone even trifles.
I was happy that the partner was me, but I felt strange.
I thought the reason was that he drank at midnight.
I was a little happy, too. And I could sleep well.

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ

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